National Australia Bank Limited BSB Numbers

List of National Australia Bank Limited BSB Numbers with address and branch details

Save on international money transfers

When you send or receive an international transfer with your bank, you might lose money on a bad exchange rate and pay hidden fees as a result.
This is because banks hide a fee in the exchange rate, which means that you will spend more on international money transfers than you should.
We recommend you use Wise, which is usually much cheaper. For example, 1000 EUR transfer to USD can cost you as little as 4 EUR with TransferWise, compared to 28 EUR with a bank.

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To view the full details for each branch's BSB Number, please click on the BSB Number on the rightmost column.

West Lakes West Lakes SA 085-898
Salisbury Salisbury SA 085-910
Strathalbyn Strathalbyn SA 085-921
Casuarina Casuarina NT 085-928
Darwin Office BBC1 Darwin NT 085-931
Darwin Office BBC2 Darwin NT 085-932
Darwin Office Darwin NT 085-933
Darwin Office BBC Darwin NT 085-934
CT 5933 Darwin FSC Darwin NT 085-935
Transaction Proc Centre Darwin Darwin NT 085-936
Northern Territory 50401 Darwin NT 085-937
Victor Harbor Victor Harbor SA 085-938
Katherine Report Delivery ONLY Katherine NT 085-939
CT 5933 Cavenagh Street Darwin Darwin NT 085-944
CT 5928 Nightcliff Nightcliff NT 085-947
Palmerston Palmerston NT 085-949
Whyalla Whyalla SA 085-960
Winnellie Agency Winnellie NT 085-992
Alice Springs BBC Alice Springs NT 085-994
Alice Springs Alice Springs NT 085-995
Cards SA Adelaide SA 085-996
State Office Business WA Perth WA 086-002
CT 6006 State Office Personal FS WA Perth WA 086-003
Lending Services WA Perth WA 086-004
CT 6006 NAB House Perth FSC Perth WA 086-005
Capital Office Perth WA 086-006
Perth Central BBC Perth WA 086-007
IB AU Western Australia Perth WA 086-008
Private Bank Perth Office Agg Perth WA 086-009
DP Accntg State Ops WA Perth WA 086-012
CT 6005 Claremont FSC Claremont WA 086-014
Transaction Proc Ctr - WA Highgate WA 086-016
Perth Asian Banking Suite Perth WA 086-017
Major Client Group WA Perth WA 086-019
CT 6007 Perth Business Centre Perth WA 086-021
Medfin Private Banking Suite Perth WA 086-023
C Interntl Operations-Cbc Trans Perth WA 086-024
CT 6564 FFB WA Perth WA 086-025
Murray Street Perth WA 086-027
NAB Comm Broker WA Partnership 1 Perth WA 086-031
Account Management Ctr WA Perth WA 086-038
International Trade WA Perth WA 086-039
Medfin Health WA Metro Perth WA 086-040
CT 6094 CRE Southern WA Net Occ Perth WA 086-043
Bendigo Bank Limited WA Bendigo VIC 086-044
Perth Central BBC1 Perth WA 086-045
Perth Central BBC2 Perth WA 086-046
Cassa Commerciale Aust Ltd WA Sydney NSW 086-047
Broker-Assets Perth WA Perth WA 086-061
MM SH Term Int Rate Risk WA Perth WA 086-063

What is National Australia Bank Limited BSB number? National Australia Bank Limited BSB number is a six digit number used to identify bank branches for Australian banks. BSB numbers will be different based on the branch of the account holder. It is based on the bank account origin by state and city.
In order to find the check BSB number of the branch you are looking for, click on the BSB Number link next to the branch name. Additionally, the list of bank BSB numbers is visible on this page for easier access.